MIMO Communication & Radar Systems

Our cutting-edge research aims at innovative communication and radar techniques for the next breakthrough in spectrum efficiency respectively ranging accuracy. We design, implement and verify large-scale multichannel and massive MIMO systems, which are the key factor to address the vastly growing demand for efficient mobile data throughput in urban and indoor environments with strong multipath propagation. At the same time, they offer the unique opportunity to integrate high accuracy localization techniques, e.g. for autonomous navigation applications, with communication platforms. For example, the LHFT explores high performance, flexible system architectures for massive MIMO stations, which support innovative precise and yet efficient calibration techniques and algorithms. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the major benefits of massive MIMO theory and microwave engineering methods for both communication and ranging.


Dr.-Ing. Christian Carlowitz, Akad. Rat

Research Group Leader: Microwave Photonic & Quantum Systems