EM Material Characterization (MC) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Laboratory
In RF systems dielectric materials are not only mechanical but functional components, e.g. as substrate material for planar circuits, dielectric waveguides, RF-agile additive manufacturing or antenna radomes. For the computer aided design of such RF components the knowledge of the dielectric material properties in terms of the permittivity (\varepsilon_\text{r}) and loss tangent (\tan_\delta) are very important. In a wide range of measurement setups ranging from 10 MHz up to 2.5 THz material characterization is possible in the LHFT MC/NDT laboratory. With a special focus on the ISM frequency ranges around 5 GHz, 24 GHz and 77 GHz optimized setups with state-of-the-art accuracy are available. Localization-resolved material characterization allow for non-destructive testing applications and 3D radar imaging.
Dr.-Ing. Jan Schür, Akad. Dir.
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-27237
- Email: jan.schuer@fau.de