Autor: Konstantin Lomakin

Patrick Gröschel and his co-authors have been awarded with a Best Paper Award at the IEEE 5G World Forum 2019, 30.09. - 02.10.2019 for their contribution "An Ultra-Versatile Massive MIMO Transceiver Testbed for Multi-Gb/s Communication" authored by P. Gröschel, M. Hehn, E. Sippel, R. Schober, R. Wei...

Kategorie: Awards, News

Patrick Gröschel und seine Co-Autoren haben auf dem IEEE 5G World Forum 2019, 30.09. – 02.10.2019 einen Best Paper Award für den Beitrag „An Ultra-Versatile Massive MIMO Transceiver Testbed for Multi-Gb/s Communication“ – Autoren: P. Gröschel, M. Hehn, E. Sippel, R. Schober, R. Weigel, M. Vossiek un...

Kategorie: Auszeichnungen, Nachrichten

Our LHFT team members M.Sc. Benedikt Beck, M.Sc. Max Köppel and M.Sc. Peter Tschapek earned an excellent third place from a total of 58 evaluated practical studies in the studies evaluation of the winter semester 2018/2019 with a quality index (LQI) of 1,17.

Kategorie: Awards, News

Tatiana Pavlenko was honored with the best paper award (“Best Paper Presented by a Woman”) at the 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology For Aerospace, Turin, Italy 19.-21. June 2019 for her contribution: "Wireless Local Positioning System for Controlled UAV Landing in GNSS-Denied Environment...

Kategorie: Awards, News

Nicola Gollin, with the group of System Performance at DLR under supervision of Prof. Gerhard Krieger (Professor at LHFT since Marth, 1st 2019), was honored with the "Best Paper Award" - donated by the IMA, Institute of Microwave and Antenna technology e.V. - on March, 27th 2019 at the German Microw...

Kategorie: News

The annual „LHFT Three Minute Thesis Competition“ at the Institute of Microwaves and Photonics took place on March, 2nd 2019. It is inspired by the „Three Minute Thesis competition (3MT™)“ taking place at over 200 international universities. The winners this year are M.Sc. Johanna Geiß (r) and M.Sc....

Kategorie: News

Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Krieger with the DLR Oberpfaffenhofen is appointed as a professor for the professorship Cognitive Radar Systems at the institute of microwaves and photonics beginning with 1st of March 2019.

Kategorie: News

Nicola Gollin aus der Arbeitsgruppe System Performance am DLR erhielt unter Co-Betreuung von Herrn Prof. Gerhard Krieger (Professor am LHFT seit dem 1.3.2019) am 27.3.2019 auf der GeMiC 2019 - German Microwave Conference in Stuttgart einen vom IMA - Institut für Mikrowellen- und Antennentechnik e.V....

Kategorie: Nachrichten

Am 2.3.2019 führte der Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik den jährlichen „LHFT Three Minute Thesis Wettbewerb“ durch. Dieser Wettbewerb ist an die „Three Minute Thesis competition (3MT™)“, die an über 200 internationalen Universitäten durchgeführt wird, angelehnt. Die diesjährige Gewinnerin und der d...

Kategorie: Nachrichten