1st place for LHFT at the IMS Student Design Competition in Denver

The chair congratulates Patrick Fenske, André Scheder, Tobias Kögel, Konstantin Root and Christian Carlowitz (Advisor) for their sovereign 1st place at the Student Design Competition at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2022 in Denver. This involves various teams from international universities competing for the best circuit design. The competition, “Design of a Self-Interference Cancellation Coupler,” focused on active suppression of a carrier signal at 24 GHz. Due to the excellent characteristics of the circuit in the area of matching, insertion loss, and carrier suppression, the team from LHFT was able to achieve 1st place. A detailed description of the winning design will be given in a Microwave Magazine article next year.
Based on the results of the IMS Student Design Competition, this system can be used for preliminary investigations of full-duplex transmission for synchronization and localization in radar networks for the graduate school KoRaTo.