Andreas Benedikter wins the ARGUS Science Award 2019

Andreas Benedikter has been awarded the ARGUS Prize 2019 by HENSOLDT for his outstanding master thesis. The master thesis with the topic “Analysis of a Side-Looking SAR for Subsurface Imaging of the Ice-Moon Enceladus” was prepared within the project EnEx-AsGAr and in the form of a collaboration of the Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT) and the Microwaves and Radar Institute of the German Aerospace Center (DLR-HR) and supervised by Prof. Martin Vossiek (LHFT), Prof. Gerhard Krieger (LHFT / DLR-HR) and Dr. Marc Rodriguez-Cassola (DLR-HR). The award, endowed with 1500 Euro, was handed over to Mr. Benedikter on September 25, 2019 during the HENSOLD Professor Day and ARGUS Award Ceremony in Ulm.