FP/MA/FP-MA: FoV Detection Using a Half-Sphere

As part of a research project, a demonstrator of an optoelectronical test system for LIDAR sensor systems is being developed. This test system will make it possible to read out and calibrate any LIDAR system fully automatically and to test its function and safety. The first major milestone for this is the recording of the entire field of view of the LIDAR system. All laser beams emitted by the LIDAR are to be coupled into a single-mode fiber for this purpose. The particular challenge here is that the angular ranges in which the LIDAR emits laser pulses are very large. For the standard approach using a 4-f lens system to cover the field of view, lenses with sufficient refractive power are required. However, these would have to be oversized, which makes this approach impractical for the application. New innovative approaches are therefore now to be researched. One promising approach, which is now to be investigated further, is the targeted utilization of the very good scattering properties of a diffusely reflecting hemisphere. The laser beams of the LIDAR are reflected on the inner surface of the sphere and directed into the collimator of a single-mode fiber via a hemispherical mirror. The major advantage of this approach is the retention of a high signal power and thus a very good SNR, which is particularly critical for LIDAR systems. In addition, this approach has a comparatively simple structure and can be finely tuned using several parameters.

[1] [1]


The first step in this work is to optimize the arrangement of the components in a simulation. The Zemax OpticStudio simulation software provided for this purpose is very suitable for this purpose. It can be used to clearly simulate and analyze the beam paths and the properties of optical components. It also makes it possible to quickly switch between different components, such as lenses and mirrors. The simulated arrangement is then set up and characterized experimentally.

[1] url: https://www.ansys.com/products/optics/ansys-zemax-opticstudio

Supervisor: Christian Carlowitz, Johannes Reichstein
Keywords: Photonics, Zemax OpticStudio, hardware, measurement technology
Requirements: Knowledge in the area of photonics
Contact: christian.carlowitz@fau.de, johannes.reichstein@fau.de