HiWi: Optical Measurement Technology, Pulse Modulation and Imaging

If you are looking for a HiWi position in the field of optical high-frequency technology and photonics or would like to gain experience in scientific work, then we offer you an exciting and varied opportunity here that can be easily adapted to your study plan. As part of our research project, a demonstrator of an optoelectronic test system for LIDAR sensor systems is being developed. This test system is intended to make it possible to read out, calibrate and test the function and safety of any LIDAR system fully automatically. For this project we can, on the one hand, use your help with work in the laboratory and, on the other hand, offer you an opportunity to work in current research areas and work in doctoral projects. Your HiWi position also contributes to your professional and personal development.

Your areas of responsibility are:
• Development and maintenance of control software for optical systems
• Combination and integration of different components into measurement scripts
• Carrying out, documenting and evaluating measurements
• Support in the preparation and implementation of experiments
• Collaboration with scientists and doctoral students of the chair

If you are interested in this exciting job in our laser laboratory, we look forward to receiving your application! Please send us a short email with your application documents (relevant professional experience and study overview).


Supervisor: Christian Carlowitz, Johannes Reichstein
Keywords: Photonics, Python, C, hardware, measurement technology
Requirements: Photonics or radar knowledge, basic knowledge of programming in C or Python, motivation to familiarize yourself with new topics and more complex issues
Contact: christian.carlowitz@fau.de, johannes.reichstein@fau.de