3D µW Interconnects & Components Laboratory
The LHFT runs common 3D printers for the generation of supporting substrates for interconnect devices or waveguides. In addition the possibility to handle low loss dielectrics is given by high temperature printing heads.
The centerpiece of the new lab is a 5-DOF high precision positioning system with the purpose to build and structure microwave components. It is equipped with an aerosoljet printer for nano particle inks and micro dispensing systems. A short pulse laser for micro structuring is embedded as well as additional sintering and preparations
heads. Besides network analysis the lab provides laser confocal microscopy and surface energy measurement equipment for surface inspection.
This Lab allows researchers at LHFT to choose from versatile manufacturing methods and materials to implement their designs.
Dr.-Ing. Gerald Gold, Akad. Rat
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-23165
- Email: gerald.gold@fau.de