Author: Mohamad Alami El Dine

Benedikt Dorbath from the Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT) has received an award for his outstanding presentation at the 4th Symposium on Materials Technology 2021. The award was given for the presentation on the publication: "Innovative drahtlose Sensorkonzepte für das in-situ Monitorin...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

Melanie Lipka and her co-authors Stefan Brückner, Erik Sippel and Martin Vossiek from the Chair of Radio Frequency Technology (LHFT) have won the Best Pitch Award at the 2020 European Radar Conference (EuRAD) during the European Microwave Week (EuMW) in Utrecht (Netherlands). In the paper "On the Ne...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

In der Lehrveranstaltung für das SS2019 erhielten unsere Mitarbeiter M.Sc. Johanna Geiß und M.Sc. Matthias Gareis für die Übung Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik 2 jeweils einen Lehrqualitätindex (LQI) von 1,16 und 1,26 und damit jeweils den 2. Rang in den Kategorien Übung, GOP-Fach 5..19 und > 20 Rü...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

On 21.11.2019 Andreas Benedikter was awarded the VDE Award 2019 for his master thesis. With the VDE Award, VDE Bavaria honors outstanding technical and scientific achievements once a year. Saturn's moon Enceladus is particularly interesting from an astrobiological point of view, as a subglacial o...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

Ingrid Ullmann and her co-authors won the Best Paper Award at the European Radar Conference (EuRAD) 2019 in Paris. The paper "SAR-Based Non-Destructive Evaluation of Irregularly Shaped Objects with Simultaneous Estimation of Geometry and Permittivity" - authors: I. Ullmann, J. Adametz, M. Vossiek. ...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

Andreas Benedikter has been awarded the ARGUS Prize 2019 by HENSOLDT for his outstanding master thesis. The master thesis with the topic "Analysis of a Side-Looking SAR for Subsurface Imaging of the Ice-Moon Enceladus" was prepared within the project EnEx-AsGAr and in the form of a collaboration of ...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

Mark Sippel and his co-authors have received the Best Poster Award at the 28th IEEE Conference EPEPS (Electrical Performance of Electronic Packages and Systems, 6.10.19 - 9.10.19) for the paper "3D-Printed Bowtie Filter Created by High Precision NanoJet System Combined with Novel Printing Strategy" ...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

Patrick Gröschel and his co-authors have received a Best Paper Award for the paper "An Ultra-Versatile Massive MIMO Transceiver Testbed for Multi-Gb/s Communication" - Authors: P. Gröschel, M. Hehn, E. Sippel, R. Schober, R. Weigel, M. Vossiek and C. Carlowitz - have been awarded. The IEEE 5G Wor...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

In the teaching evaluation for WS 2018/19, our collaborators M.Sc. Benedikt Beck, M.Sc. Max Köppel and M.Sc. Peter Tschapek received a teaching quality index (LQI) of 1.17 and the 3rd rank out of 58 evaluated practical courses for the practical course Photonics/Laser Technology 1.

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News

Ms. Tatiana Pavlenko has received a best paper award ("Best Paper Presented by a Woman") for the paper "Wireless Local Positioning System for Controlled UAV Landing in GNSS-Denied Environment," authored by Tatiana Pavlenko, Martin Schütz, Thomas Walter, Sergio Montenegro, Martin Vossiek at the 2019 ...

Category: Awards, Auszeichnungen, News