As part of a research project, a demonstrator of an optoelectronic test system for LIDAR sensor systems is being developed. This test system is intended to make it possible to fully automatically read out, calibrate and test any LIDAR system for its function and safety. In order to analyze the detec...
As part of a research project, a demonstrator of an optoelectronical test system for LIDAR sensor systems is being developed. This test system will make it possible to read out and calibrate any LIDAR system fully automatically and to test its function and safety. The first major milestone for this ...
As part of a research project, a demonstrator of an optoelectronic test system for LIDAR sensor systems is being developed. This test system is intended to make it possible to read out, calibrate and test the function and safety of any LIDAR system fully automatically. The LIDAR sends out pulses wit...
Task description:
Integration of smart home applications is becoming increasingly prevalent in the daily routines of individuals. While audio and RGB camera systems have already paved the way for voice and gesture control in certain households, concerns regarding privacy intrusion persist, partic...
Die zunehmende Privatisierung der Raumfahrt und die damit verbundene intensivierte Nutzung des Erdorbits führt zu einem großen Anstieg der in der Umlaufbahn befindlichen Objekte. Hinsichtlich der daraus resultierenden Kollisionsgefahr ist eine aktive Beseitigung defekter Satelliten und anderer Weltr...